Friday, April 15, 2011

Ron Paul vs. Paul Ryan

    I was surprised to read that Congressman Ron Paul was criticizing Paul Ryan's huge $4T budged overhaul.
    In part, he said he thinks we are “drifting to a point that our big government [ ] tells us what we can do and be responsible for us. And if we don’t have a house, they’ll give us a house. If we don’t have education, they’ll give us free education. If we’re hungry, we get food stamps. And deficits don’t matter. And if you need money, you print the money. And we have this moral obligation to police the world."
    But that makes sense--sort of. Ron Paul is correct, but where has Paul ever said this or that government program is un-Constitutional? Has he only criticized 'big' government without attacking its roots? You have to eradicate the roots of anything be they plants, government programs, or ideologies--or they will grow back again.
    Paul did say more, to that end. "We are dealing with a problem in Washington as a budgetary accounting problem and that’s not it. It’s a philosophy problem." Paul said. What is the philosophy of government?
    The congressman went on to question the role of government in the economy and welfare system. "Ryan," he said, "doesn’t reject that notion. I do.”
    On the Mangru Report hosted by Dan Mangru, posted on Paul's own fan website, Paul says this:
"As long as the American people think that we have to police the world and have this world empire and that we have to take care of people from cradle to grave, no tax system will work. You have to change the philosophy of government. Then you can do away with the income tax and not replace it with anything just as we had before 1930."
    But I still have to ask what Paul's philosophy of government is? Is he afraid to confront the idea of un-Constitutionality run rampant, or have I simply been missing those new articles and TV interviews?
    Perhaps it is because Paul only thinks that we are drifting toward Big Government that I am peeved about his remarks. That makes me skeptical of whether he is up to the job of helping to lead us out of our suicide-by-altruism mentality.
    I will do some homework, and find out. Ron Paul is correct about Paul Ryan--but only if Ron Paul believes the current philosophy of government itself runs counter to Originalism and to what is specifically written, both in the Constitution and in the letters and papers by the Founders about that philosophy. Otherwise, he is no different from Paul Ryan; he only wears a different suit to hide what he isn't showing.
    Show us the beef, Congressman Paul. Show us your Originalist interpretations.

© Curtis Edward Clark 2011
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