Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jumah At the DNC

"There is no thought of original intent or original meaning in the way the Democratic leaders are giving this nation away to those who would see its downfall..."

The Washington Times reported yesterday that as many as 20,000 participants could show up for what is being billed by the participants and the Democratic National Convention as 'Jumah at the DNC'. Jumah is Arabic for 'Friday', and is the biggest prayer event of the week.

"The DNC lists the assembly as an 'official function' and claims that the leaders of the program are typical of the DNC community. The group is hardly 'mainstream,' being represented by Siraj Wahhaj, who will be the 'Grand Imam' for the gathering....Wahhaj and the co-leader of the Charlotte event, Jibril Hough, are both heavily involved in the separatist American Islamist movement," said the Times.

It then goes on to explain how this Islamic gathering at the DNC will be a "prime example of taqiyya".  This will cover a protest by the participants directed at the Patriot Act, the NYPD, Islamophobia, and anti-sharia issues. Most of the participants, said the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, "will likely come from Hough and Wahhaj’s radical networks that have long been entrenched in the Charlotte area. Make no mistake they are part of the Islamist movement."

Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), the national Muslim American non-profit that is coordinating the two days of events for leaders of the separatist, American Islamist movement, are receiving "a national stage and as much credibility as the DNC can muster," said

There are many baffling and troubling concerns here. The first may be how any organization can be taken seriously when referring to "indigenous" Islamic Americans--but many must be doing so, including the DNC. 
Second, why is the DNC giving a religious platform to any group, let alone to those who in the past have advocated replacing the Constitution with sharia, as some of the participants have?

Third, why didn't the DNC vet the leaders better? Oh, wait--they did. Siraj Wahhaj's own website says lists his upcoming events as an Islamic Relief fundraiser, the funds of which will go to Iran and Myanmar, among other nations. It also lists a fundraiser for the Council on Islamic-American Relations, called radical and Islamicist by other American groups of Muslims.
CAIR was founded in 1994 by alumni of an older group, the Islamic Association for Palestine. The IAP, founded by senior Hamas figure Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, calls for the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state under Islamic law in Israel's place. (In 1996, CAIR would condemn the U.S. government's decision to deport Marzook as an "anti-Islamic" act.)
CAIR's first executive director, Nihad Awad, publicly declared himself a supporter of Hamas at a 1994 forum at Barry University in Florida.
One of CAIR's original advisory board members, Siraj Wahhaj, served as a character witness for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman. Rahman is the blind Egyptian cleric convicted in 1995 of conspiracy to bomb New York landmarks. CAIR described Rahman's conviction as a hate crime. source
"The FBI [severed] its once-close ties with the nation's largest Muslim advocacy group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, amid mounting evidence that it has links to a support network for Hamas." source

There is no thought of original intent or original meaning in the way the Democratic leaders are giving this nation away to those who would see its downfall, and who must have applauded on September 11, 2001. No patriotic Muslim American would need an 'official' jumah at the DNC.

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© Curtis Edward Clark 2012

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