Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why I (Partly) Suport the Tea Party

While I do not support the morally offensive religious views of most of the members of the Tea Party, the fact that they are the libertarian bulwark against conservative and liberal economic policies means that I do support them on the libertarian issues they address.

They represent the best hope for their claim to support
  • Fiscal Responsibility 
  • Constitutionally Limited Government and
  • Free Markets
For that reason I am allowing their fundraising efforts to have a place in my blog today.

I wrote last week on Tuesday that "It doesn't matter how large government becomes, when it's doing only what is proper to its powers according to the Constitution." Those three bullets above, properly administered, will still yield a larger government than the Founders could imagine, and larger than even Teddy R., FDR, or JFK could imagine. (I do see LBJ imagining how large his Great Society could get out of control.)

And so long as the Tea Party can successfully demonstrate they can accomplish what they set out to do, I will support them in any way I can.

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© Curtis Edward Clark 2012

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